Monday, November 2, 2009

Calvario de Sayulita


Calvario de Sayulita is the new work God is doing here in Sayulita Mexico. Paul Cathey and his family are doing an awesome job reaching to the people of this little town. I am happy to help out with leading worship for the study on Tuesday and now on Sunday mornings.

On Tuesday we drove to Sayulita for a bible study on the book of John for the adults and Monday, Wednesday and Friday Paul Cathey and his family went to sayulita to teach English to the kids of sayulita. And on Thursday they have a bible study for the kids.

I am blessed to be part of a ministry like this.

This past week we change thinks a bit. On Tuesday instead of having a bible study we played a movie called "Walking on Water" to the kids and people of Sayulita in the baseball camp. The response was amazing. Many people came to watch the movie. We had a lot of kids. We had a lot of help too from Pastors of other churches that were having a pastor's conference in Chacala Nay.

Yesterday we had our first church Sunday in Sayulita. We were all excited about the people who were going to come to fellowship and study the word of God. The service was suppose to start at 11:00am and people got there at 11:03am. I was thinking at first maybe people forgot we are having a service but the Lord remind them of the study and we were blessed for this first Sunday. I lead worship and Paul gave the study on Acts 2:42 and then I closed with one song and Paul closed us in prayer.

This is what is been happening since Chacala. We've been working here in Sayulita doing the work that God called us to. and I am blessed that I get to be part of it.

Thank you all of you that pray for the ministry here in Sayulita.

I also would like to tell you a little bit of what I'm doing.

As some of you may know. I've been looking for a job. I didn't exactly find one. I started my own printing business and I have been blessed of how amazing the Lord provides. I want to be able to pay for school. I was thinking about Graphic design school but then I realize that I'm not suppose to do that. And the Lord confirm that Bible college is what I'm suppose to do. This business will pay for school and help me to save money. I am really thankful with all of you who pray for me and for the work God is doing through me. Thank you once again and God bless you all.

In His Love,

Cesar Rodriguez

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

VBS Chacala 09

Praise the Lord!!! for an exciting week in Chacala Nay. last Monday we started the VBS for the local kids of Chacala. We started at 10:00am Chacala time and we end at 1:00pm. We started with a time of prayer and thanksgiving and then we all worship the Lord. I got the privilege to teach the kids some worship songs with my guitar. They all love singing and praising God with their hands and bodies. Some of the kids were shy and they didn't do much but after a while they all seem to enjoy everything we had for them.

Then Maura introduce the memory verse of the day and help them repeat it a few times with her. After the memory verse Paul gave a little bible study for the kids which by the way was really good, they really listen even you don't notice because if you ask them they remember the main point of the bible study. Praise the Lord!!!!!

Then, we get to crafts according to the teaching. we separate the group in 4 tables of ten so that they can have enough space to work. we didn't expect that many kids to come and in a way we weren't ready for that many kids but the Lord totally made everything work. Everyday we did something different. I got to help them with some stuff for their crafts so I got my hands full of glue and paint. So much fun!!!. hahahaha.

Then we got to the favorite part of the day. At least for the guys. Snack time!!!! Oh yeah. I didn't get snack for myself but at least I could see them eating and enjoying of their snacks. It's all for them so I hod myself and I actually lost a couple pounds by no eating snacks. Yeah!!!.

After the snacks we made the kids work a little bit. We get to do games or dance before they go home. Exercise for the day baby!!! hahahaha. I had lots of fun with the kids and I really thank my Lord for using me this past week. But before we send the kids home Maura did the memory verse again and Paul prayed and give thanks for the day and then all the kids went home with their crafts and memory verses. Then we got to clean up and put tables away and try to rest for the next day. This is the third VBS I been helping and let me tell you. Working with Kids is the best thing in the world. I used to don't like kids but now I think they are great and they just need special treatment so that they can understand that we can have fun but that there is also time to learn and be respectful to others. The cool thing is that they do listen and are interested on what I have to say. Praise the Lord!!!!

Well this is a brief resume for this past week VBS. Hope you like the pictures. Pictures can say more than words so I just leave you to enjoy.

Thank you for your prayers.

If you would like to support please send it to:

Go! Ministries
P.O. Box 651
Norco, CA 92860

Online donations:

In Christ,

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Chacala Nayarit VBS

the front Yard and pool.
they have chairs to relax and for the view.
from the boat port.
the boat port.
walking in the town.
Chacala beach.
front view of the house.
the room I'm staying.
the dinner table with ocean view.
the nap chairs.
this is the place where the VBS is going to be.
the back yard. and door to get in from the street.
the House.
Thanks for all your prayers and support. I am writting from a beautiful town called Chacala on Nayarit State in Mexico. The reason I am in this place is because I have the privilage to help out in a VBS Paul and Maura are organizing for the kids and families of the town. I really didn't know how beautiful it was here until we got here. On thursday after the study with kids from Sayulita we got in the car on drove north of PV arrounf 2 and 1/2 hours and got to this awsome place. we got into a beach front house with a big front yard (beach) and a huge pool (ocean). This house belongs to a brother in Christ named Paul. I dont know much about him but I do know that they make conferences and outreaches in this property. He is being a blessing for a lot of people by opening his home in Chacala and using it for the ministry.
We have been here since thursday and we are totally enjoying of God's creation. we are suffering here. hehehe. On Friday morning I walked arround the town inviting kids to come on monday for the VBS and they were all excited about it. they can't wait to come. I was so glad to see these kids on fire to know what God has prepare for them. Tomorrow morning the VBS will start and we need all the prayer we can get. prayer for wisdom and instruction, for strengt and for God's love to share with them through us. I have never been more excited about a VBS and I am completely clueless about what the Lord will do here. I am learning so much to trust my Lord and to rejoice in His love for His children.
So please pray that everything will go according to God's plan and I will keep you in touch of what the Lord is doing here in Chacala.
In Christ,
Cesar R.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I want to thank everyone that supports me in prayer.
I've been praying for the Lord to showed me the ministry He wants me to serve Him. When I was working with Calvary Chapel Puerto Vallarta the Lord worked on me and stretch me in many ways. I got to the point of being discourage and wanted to give up but the Lord open a door for me to help Paul Cathey another missionary from CCNorco and Costa Mesa. He is starting a new work in a town called Sayulita. Sayulita is another tourist town in the pacific coast of Mexico. lots of tourists and surfers come to this town. it's a small town and the main attraction is the nice beach and water that is really warm and you can surf.

I really don't know what the Lord is going to do in this town but I do know one thing and that is that this town needs a church were people can come and study God's word. Last week we had a team from Norco coming to help out with the VBS Paul and Maura organize for the kids they have been working with in the past month. The Lord blessed this past week with the kids. I got to know most of the kids. They seemed to really love me and that gives me joy to know that I can have a relation with the kids so that they can be more open to God's word. I really thank the Lord for that.

So please pray for the ministry here in sayulita so that people can know about the bible studies and come with a willing heart to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

In christ,

Trip to California

I really want to thank my Lord for being so good to me. I had my doubts about coming to CA but the Lord totally blessed me. It was so good to see my friends, my girlfriend and my home church. They all encouraged me in the Lord and helped me to understand the purpose that God has for me. I really don't know what the Lord has in storeage for me but I don't need to know.

I remember one time in my life where I was praying to the Lord, asking Him to show me His will in my life and then I stop and changed my prayer and I said to Him "Lord use me however you want". When I said that I really didn't know that the Lord was going to used me. A few months later my life changed completely and the Lord started to prepared me for something. He called me to be a missionary and I choose to obey.

I got to learned the importance of prayer in a missionary life. not only personal prayer but the prayers of those who stay home or at work and prayed for those out in the mission field. I got to realize the importance of people praying for us missionaries. And I want to thank all of those who prayed for missionaries. Thank you.

The trip was really cool. I took the bus up to CA. 30 hours in a bus and 30 hours back so a total of 60 hours in a bus. Thank you Lord for getting me through that. hahahaha. I spent 3 weeks in CA. attending some of the MTS classes. and visiting family and friends. I also spent time with Rachel. I think the last time I saw her was the day before I came to Mexico. 7 months without being with her were really hard but I thank the Lord for the patience and for His love for me. now that I'm back in Mexico all I can do is trust her with the Lord. so please pray for me. so that I can wait on the Lord.

Once again I want to thank everyone for their prayers and for the encouragement.

Thank you.

In Christ,

Cesar R

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Trusting God

Hey guys. Thank you for all your prayers and support. I feel really sorry for not posting anything in some time. The thing is that I really didn't know what to write. My time here in Vallarta has been a learning experience and a time of growing. I thank once again all of you who have been praying and being part of the ministry here with your prayers.
I thank God for giving me the privilage to serve Him. I thank Him for all the people that I met in all this time in Vallarta. I thank Him for all the ministries here. The mission is looking better every time and the kids are growing in the Lord. The youth group is growing too. Slowly but is growing. The people is just amazing. They love to worship God with all they have. and is good to see new people once in a while.

I am writting this post because I want all of you to pray for me especially. I've just being really struggling with something that I just don't know what it is and that it has been holding me to give all of me in the service. I just didn't want to write about it for fear and rejection. I know God is faithful and that He will pull me up and set my feet on a rock. I just feel broken inside but with a promise that Jesus will fulfill the work that He has begun in me. I feel broken because I know I'm the worst sinner and I feel I fail in the ministry. I feel the Lord calling me to do something else or to go somewhere else. The thing is that I don't know what that is and in a way I'm just scared. I don't feel worthy enough to do anything and I would like to just go on island and stay there. hehehehe. I laugh because I don't know what else to do.

I would really apreciate your prayers in this regard and I will just wait on the Lord for an answer to my prayers. I thank the Lord for what He has done and for what He will do even if I don't know what would happen. Thank you and God bless you all.

In Christ,


p.s. Here is a recent pic from when I rode a horse.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Saludos en el amor de Jesus,
Ministry here is amazing. The kids at the mission school are starting to play with me more and the youth is growing more. The youth worship band is getting a little better. The church is growing really fast. I remember the first time I was there on sunday morning the church was fill with 30 to 40 people and now we don't even have enough chairs and space for the people to sit. I have to stand up during the service. I have great joy in our Lord Jesus Christ for allow me to see such a grow. I know God will do great things in this ministry. In the begining of February the pastor gave an anouncement of a baptism on february 9 for all the believers on the churh. He also gave an hour long class to all the people who raised their hand to be in the baptism. I felt conviction from the Lord because I never been baptize before but I did not raise my hand nor attend the class. When I went home I spent some time studying about baptism and why should we do it. The day came and after the sunday morning service I get to talk to a guy who wasn't sure about the baptism. I got my bible and started to teach him about baptism. At the end of our talk I knew I have to be baptize too. I did not tell anyone about it and I was still thinking if I supposo to do it or if I should wait. We all went to the beach and we decided to do the baptism at the river that touches with the sea. the water is always still and clean. Then the people started to be baptize and when I saw that the guy I was ministering to step up and decided to be baptize I decided to be baptize too. This was a big thing for me because I was giving up my roots and traditions from my parents and my country for the baptism of water and spirit. The cool thing about this baptism was that I was being baptized with the people God sent me to minister to. The water was a little cold and I was scared and happy. When I was getting in and out of the water I thought of the great sacrifice Jesus did for me and that the only thing He required for me was to believe in His name and follow His comandments. I thank God for all that He has done for me and for the promises He gave to me.
In Christ,
Cesar Rodriguez

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Music Ministry


The bookstore Ministry has been an exiting experience. I still don't know what to do but I trusth God will do great things.

I also got involved in the worship team here in CCPV. Bill calls me Fill or Junior becuase I do whatever he needs to be done. Being here has teach me a lot of things. I learned to play the drums and bass and to set up the whole sound for the worship. We have kids who are learning to play instruments. Its really funny to see a whole worship team where half is teenagers (Brian !!!). But these kids are really talented and its been a blessing for me to be part of teaching these kids to worship God. We hope one day we can do outreaches to neighborhoods iniviting teenagers to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. The worship team is form by one keyboard, bass player, three accoustic guitars, drum set and percussion instruments. Cool huh? Since I been here I seen people come and go but one thing is true and exiting is that the church is growing fast and makes me happy to know that people are getting save.

In Christ,


Bookstore Ministry

After working at the mission from 8am to 8pm doing construction work I was promoted to work at the church in the bookstore and cafeteria. So I left the hammer and nails for a cash register and books. I still go to the mission on tuesdays, thursdays and fridays for the clasess. I was a litthe bit sad because I was getting used to the work with JD and Jonathan but I knew I need it to follow God's direction. I dont know anything about Bookstore ministry but Paul gave me some advice and encouragement. This ministry has show me a lot about patient and endurance. Im used to do things that have a result but this ministry has been really slow and tirering. The good thing about this ministry is that people often come and I get to share Jesus with them. The purpose of this ministry is to encourage people to buy their own bibles and grow even more by learning about Him. Also we have a cafeteria which is just starting too. We have a cappuccino and expresso machine and we are thinking to offer more beverages to the people walking in. We are also thinking on getting more bookshelves and bring more spanish books. We sell accesories like purses, shirts, bible covers etc... We are also trying to get more music in spanish but this has been really hard for me because I dont know any good music in spanish. I would like to ask you for prayer about this ministry that the Lord has place on my way.
In Christ,

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Cathey's

As some of you guys know. Paul Cathey is a Go missionary too. He was serving the Lord in Mexico city and he was going to come and help out in the ministry here in PV.

The funny thing about all this starts at CCNorco when I was planning being a missionary. When I told Pastor Louie about me becoming a missionary in Mexico He told me he wanted me to meet Paul Cathey from Mexico city. I told Louie I would like to meet him but I wanted to serve the Lord near my family in Tepic Nayarit. Couple weeks after Linda Dewsnap from CCNorco ( You know the Maidmoiselle(french) from the church office) told me about Paul Cathey praying about going to Puerto Vallarta and serve the Lord there in CCPV. I felt like the Lord was confirming my coming to PV and also Paul's too.

I seen Paul before in pictures from the wall at CCNorco but when I saw him in Puerto Vallarta I didn't recognize him at all. He started making a conversation as he knew me before and I was just trying to figure out were do I know this guy but when he started mentioned HERMANO and LINDA and BRIAN and LOUIE I knew he was Paul so I started joking back to him. Paul turned out to be a great brother in the Lord and I felt I wasn't the only missionary here in PV and I knew I can learned a lot of stuff from him. His wife was cool too and their daughters were a little bit scared of me I think they still are a little bit but they are great children and I knew God will do great things here in PV.

The coming of Jonathan

Saludos (greetings),

As you guys already know the work I've been doing in Puerto Vallarta Mexico isn't quite pleasent to me because I never done something like this before. Digging holes, taking loads of trash and getting dirty and smell bad wasn't my idea of ministry at first. Bill came to me one day and said that there was going to come one guy from Switzerland and that he was going to be staying at his house for 6 weeks helping out in the ministry. I was glad to know I could make friends with someone from other country other than the States and Canada. I knew nothing about switzerland and the people there.

Sunday at noon after the service we went to have lunch and Bill went to pick up this new guy to the airport. We were almost done with our food when Bill and Jonathan show up to join us. Bill present Jonathan to the whole group and then we continued eating. I didn't have an oportunity to talk to Jonathan during lunch but once everyone was done me, Jonathan, Bill and his son carpool on Bill's suburban so I talked to him for a little bit. I was really surprise that in Switzerland they speak 4 lenguages: German, french,Italian, switzGerman. When I heard French I decided to try my french and try to speak it. He could'nt understand me but at least he correct me and I was glad I learned something at school.

Next morning as usual I get up early to be at Bill's house at 8:00am so me and JD can go to the mission and work on some more stuff. This time was different because Jonathan was coming also to help out. Me and JD gave a quick tour arround the mission and me and jonathan started digging some more for the water line to go through the yard to the street. I was glad to know I didn't have to dig all by myself. He turned out to be a farmer in his country and he was used to hard work. I felt bad to know I wasn't as hard worker as everyone in this country and switzerland. Even with all the differences we became good friends and we joke arround all the time with JD.

Me JD, and Jonathan did a lot of progress at the mission. And when I was getting used to work at the mission. Bill came to me and said I was going to change the ministry and I was going to start working at the church helping out with the bookstore ministry and the coffee shop. I was a litttle bit excited but I was also sad I wasn't going to be at the mission working with JD and jonathan. I started thinking about the things we can acomplish together at the coffee shop, bookstore ministry. and I started seeking the Lord and praying for direction.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

construction work


I thank God for all that He has done for me and all my friends for keeping me in prayer and always being there for me.

The beggining of my ministry started one sunday morning when I left my parents house in Tepic Nay. to go serve the Lord in Puerto Vallarta Mexico. we arrive PV one hour before the service started so I got time to spend some more time with my family before I begin my journey.hahaha. After the morning service I went to the apartment I'm renting right now to clean and get my stuff in place. after I few hours Micah (pastor's son) came to the apartment to tell me that I was going to help the pastor in the children's ministry at the afternoon service. I was really excited to know that I was going to start my ministry ministering to the young fellows. Only two kids show up to the service and we talk about John chapter 2. They seemed to enjoyed the study. we finish a couple minutes early and decided to play arround with the toys in the children's ministry.

Monday morning Bill told me I was going to help JD (Juan Dominguez) and work with him in the mission doing construction work. My first tought was: "I never done that before". so me and JD worked on the kitchen for days. We used a saw to cut the cement floor to level it before getting the tile on. then we took a huge hammer and a pick and started hitting the floor as hard as I can to make it loose. and with the pick we pull the floor up. after 3 days the floor was almost level. so me and JD took shovels and took all the floor pieces to the dump which was a really unpleasent experience because it was really hot and there was a wierd smell and I had to take down all the pieces of cement down (after getting it on the trailer). after a few hours my mission was completed. yeaaaahhhhhh. So the next week we fix some doors and lay the tile down. I learned to mix the mud and level tile to the floor and some other stuff. I also dig holes. took walls down and some other fun stuff.

thank you and God Bless you,


P.S. dont forget to pray for the ministry in PV.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Missions with Cesar "The Beginning"

Hey guys,

sorry for not being posting any blogs in a period of time.

This is the beginning of of Missions with Cesar blog spot.

As you guys already know I met Bill and his family at the Christmas service. on January 18 I started to work for the Lord at the mission. The mission is a school that Calvary Chapel Puerto Vallarta started building some years ago. The vision was to give opportunity to poor kids to learn English and to know the word of God. The mission is located at Laguna del Valle which is a neighborhood near the city dumb. This place is full of dust and trash. Some of the houses there are not completely built. And they have cartoon roof tops and walls made of wood. Its really sad to know that these people live in so poor conditions when others are living in mansions here in PV.

The kids at the mission are full of joy and they are open to the word of God. On Sunday mornings we take a van to the the mission to pick up the kids of laguna del valle and we take them to church. After the service we have some food for them and for the rest of the people. we have a good variety of people coming. I get to talk to a lot of locals and people that are here for vacations. the church is located right between hotels so we get a lot of people just wondering abut the church. We also have a liquor store on the corner and a disco-bar on top of us. It may sound to bad. but I think is a really cool opportunity to witness everyday. we also have a mid-week bible study 0n Wednesdays and a evening bible study Sunday night. youth group is on Saturdays and Tuesdays,Thursdays and Fridays there's class at the mission. We have a coffee shop at the church and a bookstore. I really thank God for the opportunity to serve him in many different ways.

Thank you to all the prayer warriors that keep in prayer PV and the mission that has to be done here. We know God will do great things to these kids and to the people living in PV. So please continue to pray and God Bless you.

In Christ,