Monday, November 2, 2009

Calvario de Sayulita


Calvario de Sayulita is the new work God is doing here in Sayulita Mexico. Paul Cathey and his family are doing an awesome job reaching to the people of this little town. I am happy to help out with leading worship for the study on Tuesday and now on Sunday mornings.

On Tuesday we drove to Sayulita for a bible study on the book of John for the adults and Monday, Wednesday and Friday Paul Cathey and his family went to sayulita to teach English to the kids of sayulita. And on Thursday they have a bible study for the kids.

I am blessed to be part of a ministry like this.

This past week we change thinks a bit. On Tuesday instead of having a bible study we played a movie called "Walking on Water" to the kids and people of Sayulita in the baseball camp. The response was amazing. Many people came to watch the movie. We had a lot of kids. We had a lot of help too from Pastors of other churches that were having a pastor's conference in Chacala Nay.

Yesterday we had our first church Sunday in Sayulita. We were all excited about the people who were going to come to fellowship and study the word of God. The service was suppose to start at 11:00am and people got there at 11:03am. I was thinking at first maybe people forgot we are having a service but the Lord remind them of the study and we were blessed for this first Sunday. I lead worship and Paul gave the study on Acts 2:42 and then I closed with one song and Paul closed us in prayer.

This is what is been happening since Chacala. We've been working here in Sayulita doing the work that God called us to. and I am blessed that I get to be part of it.

Thank you all of you that pray for the ministry here in Sayulita.

I also would like to tell you a little bit of what I'm doing.

As some of you may know. I've been looking for a job. I didn't exactly find one. I started my own printing business and I have been blessed of how amazing the Lord provides. I want to be able to pay for school. I was thinking about Graphic design school but then I realize that I'm not suppose to do that. And the Lord confirm that Bible college is what I'm suppose to do. This business will pay for school and help me to save money. I am really thankful with all of you who pray for me and for the work God is doing through me. Thank you once again and God bless you all.

In His Love,

Cesar Rodriguez